When used to set a value, returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds. Opens the built-in settings dialog, which is populated from the Setting API. This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them. A prototype-less generic object whose properties and values are defined by the Setting.addToggle(), Setting.addList(), and Setting.addRange() methods. Saving the story records the story's state up until the last moment that was created. Deprecated: Sets story $variables and temporary _variables based on the given expression. Roughly equivalent to the :passagestart event. you'll need to call the Setting.save() after having done so. postrender tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Warning: Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. Returns a new array containing all of the macro's ancestors that passed the test implemented by the given filter function or an empty array, if no members pass. A toggle definition object should have some of the following properties: Adds the named property to the settings object and a list control for it to the Settings dialog. Returns whether any of the macro's ancestors passed the test implemented by the given filter function. Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to 1 (loudest) over the specified number of seconds. Removes and returns a random member from the base array. Group IDs allow several tracks to be selected simultaneously without needing to specify each one individually. To delete all current watches, click the button. classes) revival code and associated data within the revive wrapper, which should be returned from an object instance's .toJSON() method, so that the instance may be properly revived upon deserialization. Return the named template definition, or null on failure. Note: As new moments are added, older moments that exceed the maximum number are expired in order of age, oldest first. Thus, if you allow players to return to passages, then you should either: ensure the passages contain no code that has side-effects or wrap that code in something to prevent re-executione.g., <>side-effects<>. In the above, the second (set:) macro is never run, and the $count variable remains at 0. In Twine, you can combine the Set Macro with an If Macro to test is some condition is "true.". Suggestions for new entries may be submitted by creating a new issue at SugarCube's source code repository. Equivalent to wrapping the entire passage in a <> macro. See Setting API for more information. TypeScript bindings for SugarCube APIs can found as the Definitely Typed package: @types/twine-sugarcube. Returns whether the autosave is available and ready. Returns the seed from the seedable PRNG or, if the PRNG is not enabled, null. The predefined variable output, which is a reference to a local content buffer, is available for use within the macro's code contents. As you can see, Harlowe creates a deep copy/clone of its non-primitive data types each time they're modified. Because replacement is recursive, care must be taken to ensure infinite loops are not createdthe system will detect an infinite loop and throw an error. The previous state is completely lostthe new state is not added to or combined with the current state, instead it replaces it in its entirety. Widgets allow you to create macros by using the standard macros and markup that you use normally within your story. Returns the topmost (most recent) moment from the full in-play history (past + future). You would do well to keep your translations similar when possible. For example: Warning: The (execution) context object of the macro's parent, or null if the macro has no parent. If your content consists of DOM nodes, you'll need to use the Dialog.append() method instead. The Fullscreen API comes with some built-in limitations: Returns the current fullscreen element or, if fullscreen mode is not active, null. Passage navigation terminates all pending timed executions. If you want to play tracks in a sequence, then you want a playlist instead. You may, however, simply use the Test Play From Here context menu item on the Start passage to achieve the same result. See Also: Note: State.has() does not check expired moments. Generates no output. Attaches event handlers to the selected tracks. The def and ndef operators have very low precedence, so it is strongly recommended that if you mix them with other operators, that you wrap them in parenthesese.g., (def $style) and ($style is "girly"). The function is invoked each time the .processText() method is called. Selects all internal link elements within the passage element whose passages do not exist within the story. If you don't know what that means, then this API is likely not for you. The template markup begins with a question mark (?) Additionally, see the tagged stylesheet warning. Because the style markups use the same tokens to begin and end each markup, the same style cannot be nested within itself. This setting property has been updated to accept function values and its acceptance of string values has been deprecated. See the Dialog API docs for more information. Does not flag other assignment operators. Happens after the rendering of the incoming passage. Unless localized by use of the <> macro, any story or other temporary variables used within widgets are part of a story's normal variable store, so care must be taken not to accidentally either overwrite or pick up an existing value. You'll likely use story variables most often throughout your projectthough, temporary variables are perfect candidates for things like loop variables, if you're using the <> macro. Evaluates the given expression and compares it to the value(s) within its <> children. Note: Sugarcube is a legacy version that supports the features and syntax of earlier Twine 1.x versions. Generally, only really useful for formatting blocks of macros for ease of use/readability, while ensuring that no output is generated, from spacing or whatnot. Does not modify the original. The DOM ID of the story, created from the slugified story title. Returns the value of the story or temporary variable by the given name. For . This method will not detect "code" passagesi.e., script, stylesheet, and widget passages. Note: See State API for more information. A format item has the syntax {index[,alignment]}, square-brackets denoting optional elements. It should be plain text, containing no code, markup, or macros of any kind. Determines whether certain elements within the UI bar are updated when passages are displayed. Warning: In addition to the history, there is also the active momenti.e., presentand expired momentsi.e., moments that had been played, but have expired from the history, thus cannot be navigated to. Block widgets may access the contents they enclose via the _contents special variable. The DOM ID of the passage, created from the slugified passage title. Several State API methods have moved to the new Engine API. The versions that forward to a specific passage are largely unnecessary, as you could simply use a normal link, and exist solely for compatibility with the <> macro. Warning: However, due to a historical artifact, the arguments for the separate argument form of <> are in the reverse order (link then text). Tip: classesare instantiable objects whose own prototype is not Objecte.g., Array is a native non-generic object type. Template API. To enable test mode from the story editor/map screen, click on the Test menu item (right side of the bottom bar). Tip: You can use custom style markup or HTML to create the elements, and then target them with a query selector. Reloading the page or revisiting a passage may not restore the state of some interactive macros, so it is recommended that you only use them in instances where this will not be an issue or where you can work around it. Due to how SugarCube stores the state history a few constructs are not supported within story variables. Does not modify the original. To print the values contained within variables, see the naked variable markup and the <>, <<=>>, and <<->> macros. The config object has been renamed to Config and some of its properties have also changed. The Share dialog only displays linksspecifically, anything that creates an anchor element (). The debug views themselves may be toggled on and off (default: on) via the Debug View button (top of the UI bar). String: The expression yields a string valuee.g.. The documentation for each macro will tell you what it expects. The line continuation markup performs a similar function, though in a slightly different way. Returns whether the UI bar is currently stowed. Follow these instructions to install a local copy of SugarCube v2: If you followed the steps correctly, within Twine1/Twee's targets directory you should now have a sugarcube-2 directory, which contains several filese.g., header.html, sugarcube-2.py, etc. : fired, triggered) to notify code that something has taken place, from player interactions to automated happenings. Twine 2 Editor Twine 2 Editor Story Listing Passages View Passages Story Formats Getting . If you have a property that uses an array of values, you will be able to use the various "tag" functions to . Note: Note: Returns whether the given member was found within the array, starting the search at position. If it encounters an unrecoverable problem during its processing, it may throw an exception containing an error message; the message will be displayed to the player and loading of the save will be terminated. Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to 1 (loudest) over the specified number of seconds. Returns the value associated with the specified key from the story metadata store or, if no such key exists, the specified default value, if any. The core of what it does is simply to wrap a call to, This method has been deprecated in favor of the, This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Returns the total number of available slots. Creates a link that navigates forward to a previously visited passage. Note: Prepends one or more unique members to the beginning of the base array and returns its new length. Roughly equivalent to the :passagerender event. Once unloaded, playback cannot occur until the track's data is loaded again. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to each of the audio elements. SugarCube automatically stores the current playthrough state to the browser's session storage whenever a new moment is created. . Creates a listbox, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. Warning (Twine 2): Due to how the Twine . Configuration API. Because the custom style markup uses the same tokens to begin and end the markup, it cannot be nested within itself. Happens before the end of passage navigation. The history allows players to navigate through these moments. Triggered after the rendering of the incoming passage. In general, look to the .random() method instead. The story title is not included in updates because SugarCube uses it as the basis for the key used to store and load data used when playing the story and for saves. The core of what it does is simply to wrap a call to Dialog.open() within a call to .ariaClick(), which can be done directly and with greater flexibility. Returns the total number (count) of played turns currently in effecti.e., the number of played moments up to the present moment; future (rewound/undone) moments are not included within the total. To enable test mode from the Stories screen, click on the story's gear menu and select the Test Play menu item. The active passage's name will be added as its ID (see: Passage Conversions). This series is intended for. Note: As with all special tags, media passage tags are case sensitive, so their spelling and capitalization must be exactly as shown. The mute-on-hidden state controls whether the master volume is automatically muted/unmuted when the story's browser tab loses/gains visibility. The verbatim HTML markup disables processing of all markup contained withinboth SugarCube and HTMLpassing its contents directly into the output as HTML markup for the browser. Select "Change Story Format" and check the box next to "Sugarcube." Download PDF version: Variables and Programming in Twine See the State API docs for more information. Note: Navigation events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during passage navigation. Load and integrate external JavaScript scripts. Hello I'm sorry if this is a very noobish question, but i'm having a hard time understand arrays in general, so here goes. An array of discrete arguments parsed from the argument string. Returns the description of the passage, created from either an excerpt of the passage or the Config.passages.descriptions setting. Several UI API methods have moved to the new Dialog API. Note: Temporary variables were added in v2.3.0. Note: Returns an array of the story metadata store's key/value pairs as [key, value] arrays. When used to set the loop state, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. with 2.0. Note: Donate Release Notes for v2 SugarCube v2.36.1 ( 2021-12-21) Fixed an issue with the build system that was producing subtly broken builds. Twine2: Not special. An alternative to navigating to passages to create menus, inventories, and the like would be to use the Dialog API. Attaches single-use event handlers to the selected tracks. Determines whether outgoing passage transitions are enabled. Returns whether playback of the playlist has been paused. If its return value is truthy, the save is allowed to continue unperturbed. This guide will detail how these features work. If you only need to print the value of a TwineScript variable, then you may simply include it in your normal passage text and it will be printed automatically via the naked variable markup. Intended for social media links. Adds an audio group with the given group ID. Shows the UI bar. There are two main presentation formats for Twine 2.0 texts: Harlowe and Sugarcube. Returns the track's total playtime in seconds, Infinity for a stream, or NaN if no metadata exists. Pauses playback of the selected tracks and, if they're not already in the process of loading, forces them to drop any existing data and begin loading. There are cases, however, where things get a bit more complicated, namely: instances where you need to pass the name of a variable as an argument, rather than its value, and those where you want to pass the result of an expression as argument. Determines whether the story's history controls (Backward, Jump To, & Forward buttons) are enabled within the UI bar. Deprecated: See the :passagestart event for its replacement. Comments used within passage markup are not rendered into the page output. Returns whether the track's sources are currently unloaded. The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: true) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to 0 volume (silent). Gets or sets the playlist's repeating playback state (default: false). This setting is only used to set the version property of saves. Returns whether the engine is rendering the incoming passage. The Macros API object has been renamed to Macro and several of its methods have also changed, for better consistency with the other APIs. Deserializes the given save string, created via Save.serialize(), and loads the save. When used to set the mute state, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. Begins playback of the playlist or, failing that, sets the playlist to begin playback as soon as the player has interacted with the document. Displays the loading screen, if necessary. Note: Provides access to browsers' fullscreen functionality. This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Generates no output. The names of both story and temporary variables have a certain format that they must followwhich signifies that they are variables and not some other kind of data. If no name is given, resets all settings. Sets the integer delay (in milliseconds) before the loading screen is dismissed, once the document has signaled its readiness. The body of the page. Returns whether the given slot is filled. The built-in Restart button, along with the methods UI.restart() and Engine.restart() are provided so that the story can be restarted without restoring a session. Appends one or more members to the end of the base array and returns its new length. Create a new passage, which will only be used as a media passageone per media source. Returns a reference to the current jQuery object for chaining. See the Dialog API and UI API docs for more information. See: If you need a random member from an array-like object, use the Array.from() method to convert it to an array, then use .random(). This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. May be called either with a list of passages, with a list of link markup, or with a list of image markup. Shorthand for jQuery's .off() method applied to the audio element. Thus, you should only use plain HTML markup within the verbatim markupmeaning using none of SugarCube's special HTML attributes or directives. Periods of ellipsis () signify data that is generated at compile time. You'll need to tag each and every one of your menu passages with noreturnyou may use any tag you wish (e.g., menu, inventory), just ensure you change the name in the code if you decide upon another. Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds. Expressions are simply units of code that yield values when evaluated. Sets the maximum number of available save slots. A decision I made was that all the individual strings in the array will also match the object's passage names. Returns a pseudo-random decimal number (floating-point) in the range 0 (inclusive) up to, but not including, 1 (exclusive). The _args special variable is used internally to store arguments passed to the widgetas zero-based indices; i.e., _args[0] is the first parsed argument, _args[1] is the second, etcand the full argument string in raw and parsed formsaccessed via the _args.raw and _args.full properties. An array is a container that holds things. Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio tracks have either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: true) controls whether tracks that have been faded to 0 volume (silent) are automatically paused. See Fullscreen API for more information. In-browser savesi.e., autosave and slot savesare largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright. A range definition object should have some of the following properties: Note: Note: Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. Similarly, if the directory is sugarcube-2, then the name of the .py file within must be sugarcube-2.py. classes) guide for more detailed information. Normally, the values of its properties are automatically managed by their associated Settings dialog control. Even if it did know that, there's no way for it to know which operations may or may not have side-effectse.g., changing variables. Generally, you would use this for data that does not change and should not be stored within story variables, which would make it part of the history. To add a watch for a variable, type its name into the Add field and then either press enter/return or click the buttonn.b. Note: Note: Used to replace SugarCube's default UI. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Note: At most one case will execute. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Returns the given string with all regular expression metacharacters escaped. In mobile browsers, playback volume is controlled by the device hardware. Passage API. Groups are useful for applying actions to multiple tracks simultaneously and/or excluding the included tracks from a larger set when applying actions. Gets or sets the track's volume level (default: 1). This is only really useful when you want to invoke a macro for its side-effects and aren't interested in its output. Returns the playlist's current time in seconds, or NaN if no metadata exists. The list options are populated via <
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