1 Peter 5:10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. In the Mississippi River, right? The church is Christs body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence. But it is a compact that will not hold. The Holy Spirit reveals truth to us from the Word, and then gives us the wisdom to understand and apply it. God has an inheritance. It is exceeding great power, beyond the furthest cast of thought (such is the literal rendering of the word, employed here). We were designed before the foundation of the world to be His workmanship, glorifying Him as we bring forth the fruit He desires (Ephesians 1:45;2:10). 5:2; 12:21, 25, 28, 30; 16:27f; 29:11f; 2 Chr. God has given us His Word as the manual for our salvation. When this heaven and earth shall have passed away and a new heaven and earth shall have come, God's child, the redeemed sinner made a saint in Christ, shall abide forever. Most uses are figurative. You have given us freedom, my chains are gone I PRAY THAT THE EYES OF YOUR HEART MAY BE ENLIGHTENED: pephotismenous (RPPMPA) tous ophthalmous tes kardias [humon] : Psalms 119:18+ Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. Proverbs 20:27The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the innermost parts of his being. Strengthened with might in the inner man (Eph3:16): with all might (Col. 1:11). But next to this, the emigrant encloses some small part of his inheritance, placing around it a tentative fence or partition; and here he begins to expend toil and skill. (Mark 2:10-11+). That view stresses the value God places on us as believers, as demonstrated in Christs death, the forgiveness of our sins, and the abundant grace that He lavishes on us (Eph 1: 78). Paul is "struggling" to say what cannot be said. Heart (2588) (kardia) is most often used in the Bible not of the literal organ that circulates blood in our body. J C Philpot -It is no great mystery that the Son of God should be exalted to the throne of power. THOUGHT - God's great doctrine of our calling should cause all the "called of Jesus Christ" to exclaim "Glory! Imagine a couple of demons speaking. The God of Glory 3-6 How blessed is God! Kleronomia is literally what is received as a gift from someone who has died, but figuratively as in this verse it refers in a religious sense to God's promised salvation, gifts, and benefits. (Eerdmans Publishing- usedby permission), It is difficult to give a clear distinction between the 3 Greek words that expand on the meaning of "the surpassing greatness of His power (dunamis)", but in simple terms it pictures the piling up of similar terms in an attempt to convey the magnitude and capability of God's incomprehensible, infinite power. The Message (MSG). Note the ESV rendering "what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints." Paul desires that they truly know these magnificent, priceless truths! Proper understanding of spiritual truth is not dependent on having a keen intellect but rather a tender heart! 3 John Can you conceive this? It tells us all we need to know to walk with God and live wisely in light of eternity. One argument against taking it this way is that it becomes almost a repetition of the first part of the prayer, to know the hope of His calling. It is your hope of final glorification and of sharing Gods glory when Christ returns (Col. 3:4). Nothing less than omnipotence can save a soul; and omnipotence at its very best in the glorification of Christ is none too great for the salvation of a sinner. Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. He needs the Spirit to enlighten him (1 Cor. A ministry that is College-trained but not Spirit-filled works no miracles. (Brown, Colin, Editor. As saints, were Gods inheritance, His treasure, His prize. Did you see it? Rather, as Paul will go on to say, we were dead in our sins, but God raised us up. This is the power of God that is available to believers. 4:20; 7:6; 9:26, 29; 1 Kings 8:51, 53 Ps. Paul wrote, I am compelled to preach. Rader said that without Christ people are in a moral and spiritual cave, blinded, darkened, and unaware of the glories God has in store for them. THOUGHT There will never be a day when God's power is not sufficient to accomplish what God purposes in us and through us to the praise of His glory (what He does in and through us will be seen by others who give Him praise and glory because they realize that it is a supernatural not natural work!) can ignite great endeavors. They are the real eyes for discerning the nature of issues important to God. May we learn daily to surrender to the Spirit of Christ, Who energizes our walk, elevating it from a "natural" to a "supernatural" walk. It is possible to excel in mechanics and fail in dynamic. For long days he travels, towards his inheritance and presently pitches his flimsy shanty upon its borders. If, for example, you realize you have every resource for godly living (Eph. The difference that obtains between Christians is not one of grace, but of the use we make of grace. 4:18; 2Co 2:14), and touch (Acts 17:27). We will be perfect in righteousness and in love for God and one another. For there is a difference between ability (dunamin) and strength (ischuo). Luke used ophthalmos figuratively in recording Christ's charge to Paul that He was sending him to the Gentiles to open (anoigo) their eyes so that they may turn (epistrepho) from darkness (cf "prince of the power of the air" in Eph 2:2+) to light (cf Col 1:13, 14+) and from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness (sending away) of sins and an inheritance (for which they were predestined before the foundation of the world, Ep 1:5+) among those who have been sanctified (set apart - here referring to the initial act of belief although more commonly in NT referring to the ongoing day to day salvation of the believer = sanctification, which is also by faith) by faith in Me. In that verse protected means to keep or guard and reflects Peters confidence that salvation is inviolable. Here he prays that we will know the riches of its glory. Whereas the first and second concepts to be understood dealt with the past and future respectively, the third deals with the power of God in the present time toward believers. Now I have resurrection power living on the inside But while countless people place, or rather misplace, their faith in the transforming power of subliminal messages, living faith in Jesus Christ cannot fail to do its transforming work. (Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary), Wuest renders it "and what is the superabounding greatness of His inherent power to us who are believing ones as measured by the operative energy of the manifested strength of His might." 8.247; Justin Martyr, Apology 1.61.12; Dial 39.2; 122.1; cf. | GotQuestions.org, Is there power in the name of Jesus? Such is the case in Matthew 13. WithoutGodspower, these things would not be possible (seeLuke 18:2627). Take every opportunity in this long, long day youre in to thank the Father for the opportunity to store up treasure which will make you rich for eternity. Some take it to mean, the riches of the glory of the inheritance that comes from God and is enjoyed among the saints. In other words, they take it to be a prayer that we would come to know all of the spiritual blessings that God has given to us. Jon Courson- That ye may know what is the hope of his calling Ephesians 1:18. Rather, He is trying to appear to the eye of our soul through an inner consciousness. The faith that saves is not the faith whereby we live the victorious Christian life. Augustine therefore said truly, "Give what Thou commandest, and then command what Thou wilt.". Paul referred to this when he told the Colossians that God's power "worketh in me mightily" (1:29). Here is how this applies: As a believer, you are always in need of the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of your heart to the great truths of the Bible. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. When He ascended, we ascended. The invitation goes out to everyone: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. But many ignore the invitation or make up excuses for why they cannot respond. They are actually conflicts with evil spiritual forces (6:12). [Beloved, do you really believe that is true? What are the practical applications of this truth? Jonah 1:5). I am in total agreement with you. God's power is made available to us by His indwelling presence. his incomparably great power for us who believe. That is, probably, "the thing hoped for," because promised, at our calling (as in Galatians 5:5; Colossians 1:5; Titus 2:3; Hebrews 6:18; and perhaps 1Timothy 1:1), for the other objects of knowledge with which it is here joined are certainly objective or external to ourselves. Is this not every believers great challenge and need?! Gods specific call to service usually begins with a burden for a particular need that relates to the kingdom of God. This seemed to me very extraordinary. (Joshua 1:3+) In short, we need to lay hold of the power that resides within us in the form of the Holy Spirit. We have been called by grace, to glory. Help me tounderstand the confident hope I have in Christ Jesus my Lord. So of moral vigor. If God omnipotently says, "Thou shalt," man shall not say, "I will not." (6000 Plus Illustrations for Communicating Biblical Truths). What does the Bible say about how much power Christians possess? Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. Now therefore, our God, we thank Thee, and praise Thy glorious name (1 Chron. Paul piles on words for power to make his point. What prerogatives did David attribute to God (vv. His faith that God will strengthen me In 1:18-19, he elaborates on what that means, namely, that God wants us to know three essentials about our salvation that will give us assurance about our high calling as God's people. No, not at all. One demon says to the other, "Demon, if those liberal theologians ever really let Jesus Christ out of that tomb, and those so-called Baptist preachers begin to preach itwhew! (Acts 26:18+), Robert Morgan illustrates the truth in this verse with the following story - Recently when my CD player died, I asked a friend to look at it. There is no mortgage on his estate; no suits can be raised by opposing claimants, the price was paid in open court (1Co 6:20, Rev 5:9), and the Church is the Lord's freehold for ever. NIV I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. (The Bible Knowledge Commentary), John MacArthur has an excellent discussion of this verse - Paul uses four different Greek synonyms to emphasize the greatness of that power. THESE ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WORKING OF THE STRENGTH OF HIS MIGHT: kata ten energeian tou kratous tes ischuos autou: INDESCRIBABLY TRANSCENDENT Reprinted by permission. This same power resides in believers because we are in Christ and He is in us. The Kleronomos is one who has been given a kleros, the inheritor. The Lord pursued His disobedient servant until Jonah submitted himself to the call. But there is a second reason why we need Gods power. Savor each moment. but we barred our gates, and fenced our walls against him. (The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian). And many a life that might grow rich in its heritage of God is dwindled and marred, because it sets a limitation on God's heritage of itself. That is why one cannot receive the full impact of the meaning of the Word of God except as the Holy Spirit illuminates his mind to understand it. COMMENT - This context refers to the spiritual powers of the heavenly beings. It is His capability to function effectively. God may. The text doesnt indicate that we personally have the power to raise the dead or perform other miracles. 2:9). TECHNICAL Note that it is somewhat difficult to give a crisp, succinct definition of eido, so keep that caveat in mind as you read these notes. Energeia isused only of supernatural power in the NT. Psalms Also the verb ischuooIt is good for nothing (Mt. Each one utilizes the gifts the Spirit has given. God is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (Eph. In sum, for believerseido/oida suggests Spirit given fullness of knowledge, absolute knowledge (that which is without a doubt), rather than a progress in knowledge (cp ginosko) a distinction illustrated in the following passages. The world gets in the way, sin does its dirty deed, and carnality and strife and bitterness can rule. Zondervan). Will you, starting today, begin to know by experience GodGods callingGods richesand Gods power?" The possibilities of human nature are manifest there. (Dt 32:9+). Maybe youre saying, Is that ever true! The analogy that we have quoted, however, fails us utterly in its final working out. (John 8:55). Ezekiel Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (NASB: Lockman). Romans 8:28-30 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Illustration - Brian Harbour - Back many years ago, a young boy accompanied his father and mother as they took the wagon into town for supplies. It is according to the working (energeian, energetic power, from which comes the Eng. There is no power shortage, just a shortage of our understanding of what we possess in Christ. Hope gives us the assurance that we are going toward something better than this present life. Many Christians have a stick your head in the sand attitude when it comes to grappling with the difficult doctrines of the Bible. (Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary), Energeia - 7v -Eph. The power which is really at work in Christian men to-day is in its nature properly transcendent and immeasurable, and passes thought and desire and knowledge. 28:19; Acts 17:3031). Because God's resurrection power continues to work in us, it helps us (ED: MORE ACCURATELY IT ENABLES US! Working (1753) (energeia from en = in + rgon = work, English = energy) describes effectual working, efficiency or active, effective power. Hes not interested in the world. Try to grasp the scope of that thought, dearly beloved of God! He let us in on that mystery. 2:14). I submit that this argues strongly against so-called evolution in the first creation, as it was certainly not necessary in the second (new birth) creation. From her own people Rome raised an army, animated it with patriotism, and ordered it to fight. The eye on yours is dusty. He cleaned it and the problems disappeared. . Calmen had expected her former teacher to say, "I knew you could do that.". In summary, because we are in Christ and He is in us, believers possess resurrection (and ascension) power, and Paul's prayer is for the Spirit to shine the light on this incredible, difficult to comprehend truth that we might know it beyond a "shadow of a doubt" and live in the light of this truth. Do we really believe this is true? Ephesians 1:1920is not stating that believers have received the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. We are His own possession. The Word of God is scarcely preached while rock music and religious performers entertain worldly pagans. Now the eyes of the believers heart must be continually taken up with his Lord in order that his knowledge of spiritual truth might increase. 12:9). Jude I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. How does the Spirit enlighten you? I make the best my goal; As He bought, so let Him possess, everything. Ephesians 1:18-19 In-Context 16 I couldn't stop thanking God for you - every time I prayed, I'd think of you and give thanks. 1QS 11:36). All who receive it respond in faith. The soul, as is written, The soul of man is the lamp of the Lord (Prov. But by Gods grace the word of God may change your mind and your heart. (1Jn 5:13+), Comment: A T Robertson writes that eidomeans "to know with settled intuitive knowledge. Although the participle follows the hinaof Eph 1:17, it is awkward grammatically in the clause. The prophet Jeremiah proclaims that knowledge of God is more valuable than anything else. Kneeling in the back seat, Fuller gave his life to Christ in prayer. The deadline for submitting an application for a higher pension has been extended to May 3 from March 3.. Employees who were in service prior to September 1, 2014, and continued to be in service . The end of which is, that those predestinated, redeemed, and adopted ones, should be to the praise and glory of God, Eph 1:12, and who are described as such, who first trusted in Christ upon hearing the Gospel; and after they had believed in him, were sealed by the Holy Spirit, said to be the Spirit of promise, Eph 1:13, and who is also spoken of as the earnest and pledge of the saints' inheritance, and who will continue so until all the people of God are redeemed from the grave in the resurrection morn, which will also issue in the praise and glory of God, Eph 1:14, and now on account of all these blessings of predestination, adoption, redemption, calling, and the sealing of the Spirit; as also, because of their faith in Christ, and love to the saints, these believers were possessed of, the apostle gave thanks, and continued to give thanks to God in his prayers to him, Eph 1:15,16. 8:3839). He reminded us of the motivation behind prayercommunicating with the One who is in control of all things. Prayer meetings that support only one aspect of prayer are imbalanced and can quickly be awash in negativity. O child of God, thy estate has been procured at the cost of blood and tears; but thou didst not buy it! For Further Study: Joshuas call to lead Israel was not a call to salvation, but it illustrates some important principles for spiritual leadership. . What a transformation took place in Peters life between the end of the Gospels and the beginning of Acts. The perfect tense speaks of an enlightenment that has occurred at a point in time and which persists. (Eph 1:18ESV) Notice how this rendering places the emphasis on God as the One Who "inherits"! It sounds idealistic. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! Hoeher comments that "Having mentioned the surpassing greatness of Gods power, Paul is now going to show that it is literally according to the power of the power of his power. Paul lists a series of three words for power used to describe the standard of the surpassing greatness of Gods power." And given the fact that the truth of "in Christ" is transcendent, we should always pray this prayer for ourselves and others (remember that Eph 1:16 "making mention" is present tense= continuously) and of course the only way we can possibly "pray without ceasing" (1Th 5:17+) is by the Spirit's enabling power. 15:16; 1Sa 16:7; 1 Ki. That we might know God better (Ep 1:17). Throughout the Old Testament, the verb know and the noun knowledge refer to intimacy and relationship, not simply a cognitive understanding of the facts. (The 365 Day Devotional Commentary). They must be revealed and as John MacArthur says "They are revealed only to those who love Him." These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might. The power that God has made available to the believer is according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come (Eph 1:19-21). The answer is yes, yes, yes. The Message (MSG). (cf Dt 32:9+) And thats what we are. (Eph 4:1+). Nothing will rob you of your assurance quicker than unconfessed sin. -- Glenn Spencer, Glenn Spencer - Old fashioned Holy Ghost power is the need of the day. Reprinted by permission. 1:6; Rev. Instead, it is powertowardus (Ephesians 1:19ESV, emphasis added). Memorize Ephesians 1:3 and 2 Peter 1:3 and recite them often as anthems of praise for the Lords abundant grace. Click for additional discussion on some of the aspects of the hope of this calling. And he prays for you to understand the surpassing greatness of that truth. Consequently it should fill you with joy (Rom. And what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe - Supernatural power for believers to enable them to live in triumph. 2:12) as, strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.. Some have learnt the happy art of receiving and utilizing every square inch if we may use the expression of that knowledge of God which has been revealed to them. 31:14. There stood that awful obstacleand it is still the great obstacle that stands between all men and Goddeath in sin and nothing but the power of God could deal with such a situation. As an introduction to mentioning the many afflictions he had endured for the Lord, Paul commented, But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves (2 Cor. Hope (1680) (elpis) (See also study on Believer's Blessed Hope) expresses a desire of some good with the expectation of obtaining it. The eyes of your heart will be enlightened! 2:14; 1 Pet. It's coming together, and it's all up under the headship of Jesus Christ. Incorruptible! Why is it important to know what is the hope of His calling? (Pathways to His Presence), Craig Blomberg - To Let Us Experience Gods Mighty Power, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. We have been called, chosen, justified, and glorified for we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and are become his chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. As Fuller listened, he suddenly recognized his own spiritual blindness. Hope, expectation, trust, confidence. (Click to read more about your inheritance in Spurgeon's Sermon A Wise Desire based on Ps 47:4). Usually ischus denotes power, might, strength, ability. Ancient understanding is often linked to other kinds of power or authority (e.g., dunamis, exousia; cf. I suppose its all right to pray for that addition to a new Sunday School wing. Writing to the Thessalonians, Paul reminded them, Our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction (1 Thess. Because of the glorious grace (v. 6) of the glorious Father (v. 17), He will receive His glorious inheritance (v. 18). So the dynamo of Christian living is within the believer because God is within the believer. The owner put his hand into the jar, grabbed a handful of candy and handed it to the boy. I cannot understand how this can be, but I know that God has an inheritance even in me. Probably, ere long the whole will have been opened up to European civilization and commerce. Ephesians 1:18. Reportedly, Crowfoot put the pass in a leather pouch and wore it around his neck for the rest of his lifebut he never once availed himself of the rights and privileges it spelled out. free! This magnificent accumulation of words for power underscores the magnitude of Gods great power available to Christians. In accordance (2596) (kata) not out of but according to. 1 Samuel This deep, interior "cardiac" enlightenment is clearly the result of the work of the Holy Spirit Who leads the believer to know (eido) intuitively all that God has made available to him in Christ (cf Jesus' promise to the disciples - Jn 16:13, cp 1Jn 2:20, 28+, 1Cor 2:10-13, 15-16+), and in essence to come to understand what it means to be "in Christ" or "in Him". Power (1411) (dunamis- words derived from the stem duna all have the basic meaning of being able, of capacity in virtue of an ability) refers to inherent ability, the power or ability to carry out some function, the potential for functioning in some way, the power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature. This is the miraculous power each believer has experienced at the moment of salvation and surely there is no greater manifestation of God's power than this. ), "What I do you do not realize (eido- know beyond a shadow of a doubt) now, but you shall understand (ginosko- understand by your experience) hereafter. Those for whom Paul is praying were once "spiritually blind" darkened in their understanding, (Eph 4:18) walking around in "spiritual darkness" as he reminded them of later writing that "you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (Eph 5:8-note). Harold Hoehner -In Eph 1:14 Paul wrote that the Christians inheritance is their final redemption from the presence of sin. Revival and blessing come to the church when we stop looking at a picture of God and look at God Himself! He wishes them to have eternal life in Christ [John 20:31] and to know that they have it.". To which is added another, and that is redemption; the author of which is Christ; the price, or procuring and meritorious cause of it is his blood; a branch of which is forgiveness of sins; and the whole is according to the plenteous and free grace of God, Eph 1:7, the entire plan and scheme of which is the produce of abundant wisdom and prudence, Eph 1:8, and is no other than the mystery of the will of God revealed in the Gospel, according to his sovereign will and purpose, Eph 1:9, which lay hid within himself until the fulness of times, or the Gospel dispensation, in which Christ being sent, has gathered all together in himself, Eph 1:10, through whom the saints enjoy the inheritance they are adopted to in predestination, which is the effect of an unfrustrable purpose, and a wise counsel and will, Eph 1:11.
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