Persephone and Proserpinas themes are: separation anxiety, separation from the parents, rape, retreating into fantasy after a trauma, loss of innocence, being pulled into the underworld, PTSD, addictions, abduction, food complexes and/or anorexia, relationships with Plutonian partners. Warning : This asteroid is only prominent or important in ur chart if it only conjuncts ur sun,moon,mercury,mars,venus,ac,ic,dc,mc,anti vertex and vertex , i have this conjunct jupiterdoesnt count ig. Unending suffering and struggle. Narcissus is naturally named after the infamous Narccissus, who loved himself so much that he became transfixed with his own image and committed suicide when he could not have the object of his desire. Said another way with great power comes great responsibility. you may also have a very aesthetically pleasing home - its probably very light, bright, and glamorous (your dream home may be on a beachfront)! Tantalus is closely related to our modern word, tantalize. this placement may be really good at giving support to others or charity work. Juno in the 7th house/in Libra is really unforgiving after argument and you probably really demand strict rules of your partners behaviour, you refuse to compromise, you see permanent togetherness as the end goal of a partnership. Im just going based off of the information Ive been able to find on these two. you are probably jealous when others move on from you or they stop paying attention to you. Hope has astrological significance of ambush, attacks, prejudice, territorial disputes, Native Americans, minority experiences. a good portion of your income goes to skincare, clothing, quality food, and the gym/fitness - really whatever it is that you do to look so good. scorpio (8, 20): you are super alluring to all those around you - *joe goldberg voice* they just want to know who you are. Lie, cheat, fraud, steal. Grief at losing a child, sterility, sleeplessness, trauma, PTSD, intense jealousy from other women, vampires (Lameia sucks the lifeblood out of young men). i wont regret it for you while you fret over those initial days of shocking those around you because i just know you will look beautifully you! Chiron is an asteroid, regarded in astrology as the wise, sensitive healer who could not heal himself. Also chasing after men without accounting for their ability to choose whether they want you or not and/or anguish over your lovers death/watching them die right in front of you. you have a lot of drama surrounding beauty standards, with women around you and old flings, or regarding your possession (black friday may get ugly for you lol). Vesta wraps herself around the human craving for security, stability, and safety, and if preoccupied with making sure that everything is taken care of, pragmatically with dogged persistence. In order to do so, one must blast the foundations of assuming that this the way life is and the way life always will be. Adonis: Adonis, the asteroid number 2010, is named after the personification of masculine beauty in Greek myth. many people likely find you dramatic and a bit childish when its important you not be. Asteroid Karma is a great indicator of such energy within a birth chart. your style is very flexible you could show up at any event do a 360/complete change of plans and still look like you got ready for this particular occasion. People with strong Charis are artist. Reminder that Chiron is currently in retrograde, and will be until December 15th. chances are that you have more long-term relationships than aphrodite who tends to prefer flings. Phaethon was the son of the Sun God, Helios. While not necessarily bad (it can stand for an assertive, power-house type of personality, particularly in women), Bellona strongly placed in charts can be extremely confrontational or willing to fight. negative aspects: men around you may be a bit pervy - oogling you even when you are with another man or in a situation where you lack the power to do something about it - these men may also feel as though you owe them something. tip: the houses you find them in represent the areas in life where their influence is felt the most. #astrology on Tumblr Latest sussysluttyscorpio Follow Random Astrology Observations Part-10 (Mini Edition) (Above picture does not belong to me) (Please take only what reso n ates) ~ Mars opposite Mars in synastry: one being hella dominant and other being hella submissive. but your opinion and style are highly regarded - people come to you for the harsh truth or recommendations (books, music, movies, all included). 9h: please let me be you. you likely wear a lot of athletic wear or tend to go the ares in battle route where he wears the bare minimum! you look at others drama and you analyze it knowing how you would solve it in a very logical manner. If you are ND and find this post offensive I will take it down. it could also indicate a negative relationship with masculine energies in your life. sleep? Rebellion, dark side of human psyche, human potential, being gifted and how you use the gift in reality, innovation, confrontation, unconventional, instinctual, Black Moon Lilith- forbidden fruit, you at your worst, intuition, seduction, supernatural, psychic ability, psychic healing, charisma, addiction, obsession, drive, impulse, sexual attributes and tendencies, dark emotions, You can find your asteroid placements here: Moira may show negative karma in a chart or a very fated life. you are likely a dewy makeup type or the type that rolls out of bed and still looks like a million bucks! people come to you with their issues because you have near psychic wisdom that aids them with finding a solution. Asteroids are a relatively new addition to astrology, having only been discovered in the 1800s. Example of famous people who have asteroid Luda (1158) prominent in their chart:. One of four major asteroids. you may be an expert advisor in others drama - people probably view you as approachable and may find themselves telling you their whole life story - a struggle here is that you may know everyones dirty but no one truly knows you at all. warning i can be harsh: please dont take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. or you may have a routine post-sex - pee, shower, change the sheets, and something warm (idk why a am receiving that part as part of your routine but i am lol). i know you are killing it. One of four major asteroids. Britney spears have asteroid luda exactly conjunct her mercury in a 0 orb. you very rarely get into relationships unless you see longevity in the person or an adventure you cant resist (very ares and aphrodite like - cant resist the idea of something fun, exciting, and something a bit forbidden (someone you shouldnt be with may just be your type)). Asteroid Lucifer (1930) in the Houses - Know where evil manifests in your life in order to conquer it. your voice is likely very soft as well. you are a model and just dont know it yet - your original hair color is often darker and thicker than average. your realism and black and white thinking makes drama and gossip seem like bullshit. also your social media likely gets a lot of attention - and its probably not just pictures of you which is funny to say because we are talking about aphrodite. If you see this asteroid activated in predictive astrology, don't be fooled by the seeming superficiality of charm and attraction here. If you have Gemini Juno in synastry or composite chart you two communicate more like siblings than as a man woman or parent child. you likely have drama in your sex life, your over-assertiveness, or the independent life you lead. you may be the type that loves to change your hair from different styles and dyes! but you can get wrapped up in petty drama so try to pursue alternative: get off of social media for a bit, go for a drive, go for a walk, etc. you may have a lot of family drama, drama regarding your feminine nature or lack thereof, or emotional drama. immaculately built - you are every statue ever sculpted, you likely are fairly tall with bold eyes and phenomenal thick hair. aphrodite-ASC: positive aspects: super gorgeous, you are probably in the spotlight in the best way possible. you are so enchanting in presence and personality. The retrograde is in Aries. Asteroid Klio is commonly associated with history, storytelling and writing, so is not a bad asteroid per se. you may bounce back pretty well after a breakup because you have an incredible ability to heal on your own. you are probably very victorian and gothic-like a modern-day vampire. these are the people who contributed to your self-care, nurturing tendencies, and sense of security in your self-esteem. Negative placements show hypochondria, fear of doctors, chronic illness. . you probably love perfumes too - vanilla bean is probably a staple/classic! Marilyn Monroe has asteroid luda conjunct her sun in a 2 orb and conjunct her mercury in a 1 orb. though pre-warning your relationships may be a bit rocky (maybe even divorce worthy) - there is such a thing as too much alike. Juno- placed between Mars and Jupiter. you are the type that doesnt block an ex just so they know you are living the dream and they missed out on it OR you just rather that everyone in the situation walks away rather amicably (lets stay friends energy). Clues as to how we make most of our connections. Enter in your birth information, and when you arrive to a page where you can select what astrological chart you would like, scroll down to "Additional Objects" and enter the number of the asteroid you would like in your chart. there may be a tendency to judge others based on appearance over conversations. you may be an easily jealous person because you think so highly of yourself - if not you then who? But the true fulfillment of the worship of Vesta is the recovery of human value, and the steady watch over the inward need of all life to be approached in a spirit of surrender and responsive beholding of what is truly there. you are likely very proportionate with incredible eyes and eyelashes. Asteroid Lysistrata refers to the heroine of an infamous Greek comedy of the same name. together you will help each other reach the top. Not much more to say than that when you find this little dude in close aspect to someone, run. everyone tends to look at you with judgment for your actions and it sucks so try your best to not let your ego get the better of you and do what you can to avoid drama and gossip because others are likely already spreading something about you. please tear up your to-do list and take a few deep breaths. Planets and asteroids in astrology are a fantastic way to connect with mythology. capricorn (10, 22): you are the type of person who gains a lot of followers over time from all walks of life. click here for more greek myths & legends regarding primordials, titans, gods, goddesses, and muses, click here for more greek myths & legends regarding heroes, kings, queens, creatures, and creations. absolute sins for what im about to ask but have you read heroes of olympus by rick riordan? cancer (4, 16, 28): your presence naturally puts everyone at ease. Juno is an asteroid discovered on September the 1st in 1804, and is situated between Mars and Jupiter, and in astrology, she is slowly finding her place as playing an important role in marriage and long term relationships (10 + years) - Juno is currently being debated in the astrology community as to being the assigned ruler for Libra, while Venus acts as co-ruler. She unknowingly challenged a disguised Athena, Goddess of weaving, to a weaving duel. you catch a ton of attention for your looks - you look dignified, important, and may be seen as a charming person by others. you love posting things that show your interest and photography is a great way to express your creative eye and do so. Pythia in Astrology There are a few themes there, the most obvious being the talent for divination, but also the reputation of delirious ranting that goes with it. This asteroid is named after the Hopi tribe of North America. negative aspects: could be seen by the men in your family as another woman to marry off as soon as possible to avoid the burden of keeping you single and independent (its like the 1800s all over again). The asteroid Achilles is one of my key tools, alongside (3811) Karma and (2060) Chiron. Hello, could you tell me what the asteroid Aphrodite in the 1st house in conjunction with Venus means? ASTEROID ANGEL IN HOUSES asteroidangel in the 1st house - angels are most likely there when you're meeting new people and when you're learning your self-character, they might even be in front of your face all the time, you won't always notice it unless your third eye is more open. whatever makes you feel like someone enjoying a different atmosphere from what you already know. #astrology asteroids on Tumblr Latest mooncaressed Follow South and North Node touches to any personal planet + Saturn in synastry: these two where together in past lives and in this one they feel an instant familiarity and comfortability when being together. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of this asteroid feel free to comment them or dm me! Pallas shows us how we face challenges in learning and other methods of increasing one's knowledge. Asteroid Atropos is one part of the Moira fates (in addition to Klotho & Lachesis). i feel like you may not do that enough - its very go-go-go, work-work-work vibes. Narcissus obviously talks about grandiose consideration for ones self, disapproval or disinterest in others, self-obsession and the anger that comes from being spoiled, or not getting what you want. you also probably have a very edgy style! Long time no see. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. RETROGRADE MAKES ALL OF THESE THINGS LISTED BELOW SUPER STRESSFUL OR SLOW TO APPEAR IN YOUR LIFE !!! Karma, like Achilles and Atropos, is one of my absolute go-to asteroids. Hera killed all of her children as a punishment. you likely appear petite with very soft, long hair - again venus ruled aphrodite signs have my envy lol my skin and hair will never be as glorious as yours lmfao. al.). I searched aspects in birth charts that are linked to autistic people. Think commitment, give and take in partnership, the partnership itself, infidelity, betrayal, fairness, and compromise, multi-tasking, union, represents true love, marriage partner. Spirit asteroid shows your unique abilities brought to you to earth to use for greater good. it may take a while to see that and honestly social media is probably a big factor in reaching that realization sooner rather than later. The appearance is highly important to them. Nice having a title and all, but surely not ones first choice. you likely speak a love language or possibly multiple - it always sounds so exotic and beautiful when you speak as well. Asteroid Talent - 33154. you may be the person who struggles to gain a following unlike other placements though you are very caring. However, you can end up attracting a partner that limits your casual friendships. Atropos as a theme has a relationship to endings of all kinds: relationships, business, death, accidents, and illness. No in between. you may have the ability to expand and grow in the opportunities that arise around you. aphrodite-hephaistos (2212): positive aspects: you can see the beauty in ugliness or the positive in situations where others would feel trapped. but really its because you strongly dislike co-dependence in a relationship and definitely dislike it when they tell you what to do - this could indicate divorce if you ever get into a marriage like that. you likely have very nice eyes - may even seem more vibrant than other peoples. lmfao. ill tell you what: you can still girlboss the shit out of life after giving yourself the weekend off, wonder woman. you are just as strong as any of these other placements, never think anything different - no need to tear other women down (women should support other women - we are not each others enemies naturally). there is a chance that you will experience a relationship similar to aphrodite and aress. you may also be prone to sexual exploration - this could surprise your partner as well because you may tell them you would like to try a threesome, sex club, or something they may find unconventional to a relationship. Jupiter rules ur beliefs so maybe people could love u for expressing ur beliefs. If you have Juno in the 12th/Pisces house marriage may ruin the harmony of your partnership, because you may end up feeling trapped by rules and laws. ), the more high end the better (100% real denim, silk blouses, designer, etc. aphrodite-saturn: i feel like this aspect in a person is often seen as mature or womanly or what have you from a very young age (this love goddess was born from the sea and rose from the water as an adult woman - she was never a child). aphrodite-poseidon (4341): positive aspects: you likely attract charming individuals who have power - you may even have the ability of make others fall in love with you with minimal effort. 7h: we know that you are the spicy goddess of beauty placement that is terminally single until suddenly you arent. It draws people to itself, as does Eros. Please note that the total number of additional objects in a chart is limited to 10. . He was the son of Saturn and a sea-nymph. you have expensive tastes but its just not accessories, its your food too. I dont post much on here, and especially not about sports, but I just wanted to say how proud I am of Morocco in the World Cup this year. home may be the first place you disappear to when drama seems to consume you and you may find yourself venting to your family! She became overcome with grief, unable to sleep, and thereafter alternated between sucking the life out of young men, or murdering other peoples children. like if you think someone is flirting with your partner just say that theyre with you and to get lost - you give off enough of a vibe that send those ones away (make sure that they are honestly flirting though - please dont be the type that dms each new follower being like who are you? Rash decision, reckless actions taken without heed for consequences, not heeding advice, energy of youth, impulsivity, inability to accept or follow advice, desire to escape restrictions and limits, inflation, freedom, risk, defiance, the fall, death. Juno in the 5th house/in Leo is a social climber, however you are very very loyal and probably never had a love affair. Staying until the bitter end. its hard to say which sign is the most like this greek goddess but this sign definitely gives that same energy of her love life: there, intense, and gone. use the number to find it in an extended chart selection. but have no fear as long as your aphrodite isnt aspecting zeus or hephaestus (see below), you are more than likely safe from being unwillingly married or immediately unsatisfied in marriage. Its just interesting how much I relate to and understand people on the spectrum, and have my chart to reflect that. The wound never heals despite his healing knowledge, which explains Chirons well-known nickname as the Wounded Healer. Eris- feminine equivalent of Mars, exalted in Cancer. aphrodite-adonis (2101): positive aspects: could indicate dating younger men, insta-love, and/or running away together. I have seen asteroid Dejanaira come up time and time again as a reliable indicator of childhood abuse, especially sexual abuse. your hair likely isnt very cooperative - it doesnt hold curls or it never stays straight when you wish it would. you just have an interesting take on everything. If you have Aquarius/in the 11th house Juno you try to adjust goals of your and your partner to a mutual satisfaction. but no seriously i get that you want to feel free and wild but if you do not want a kid USE PROTECTION - yall are super fertile. but no everyone loves you for your mind. its never just aphrodite. negative aspects: you may think no one is good enough for your son or any other male energy you are close to. the shinier the better (whether its jewelry, lipgloss, nail polish, etc. On the other hand, their jobs/success/position stifle their ability to have a relationship, spend time with family, or have true friends. 3h: you may drive a sexy car - lmfao im kidding (or am i?). something in your aura causes those around you flock just so they can hear what you think about the world or laugh at your jokes. everything feels so intimate that others feel like they are intruding when they stumble upon you speaking with others even when its not romantic. you may be very envious of others when you have no cause to be - maybe if you just told others how you feel then the problems wouldnt be as big as you imagine them being. Hygeia- placed between Jupiter and Mars. U feel like a person who self pities a lot. Posted on 7 Aug 2019 9:37pm (3 years ago) with 65 notes # astrology # asteroids # ariana grande # gwen stefani # cher # miley cyrus you may also have an expressive face, be a slender person, be taller than average, and have graceful hands. ellie-mae-astrology:. When opposed or squared by natal planets, Ara can stand for a lack of aid, care or support. this placement has super turbulent relationships that make you into a changed person - no seriously you get into the relationship and its like you are living your highest self and by the end, you are like a sage who has all this incredible knowledge that you take away from a failed relationship. Goddess of blind folly, rashness, infatuation, and mischief. One day Persephone is out picking flowers when the God of the Underworld Pluto (aka Hades) kidnaps her; he makes her the Queen of the Underworld. you dont tend to go for extreme looks but rather the understated ones. you are too nice to admit you dont remember someone as well. and i have to agree lmao - because he low-key was pissed when they were doing the same thing to hephaestus (lmfao every time i write that name it autocorrects to hepatitis <3 we love that) but the story is you found that act of rebellion fun as well (like zeus just forced them to marry where was aphrodites consent to this?). Moira is derived from the Greek word the fates. you may appear to others as someone with an expressive face - empath vibes. Lies, liars, lying. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. But . Aggression, strength and power. 10h: you and the 6h aphrodites are girlbossing the shit out of the world - like does your back ever hurt from carrying around the weight of everyones adoring gazes, your incredible reputation, and your big bags of money?
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